Docker Swarm Mode and Traefik for an HTTPS cluster

Sebastián Ramírez
9 min readOct 13, 2018


This article lives in:


I created to put these and related ideas together.

And there’s an updated version of this article, with distributed Traefik and Consul (this article is for a single node Traefik, even when running in a cluster):


If you want to have a distributed Traefik HTTPS proxy/load-balancer, you should check instead the guide for the distributed version on Traefik Proxy with HTTPS. It can also run on a single node.

This is the old version, having a Traefik instance on a single node. It uses a “mounted volume” instead of Consul to store HTTPS certificates.

If you want to start with a single node and expect to possibly grow to more nodes, check that guide in the link above.

But if you only want to have a single node and want to save the memory used by Consul, keep reading…


Create a production-ready, Docker-based, cluster of one or more Linux servers, from scratch, in about 20 minutes.

With it, you can handle multiple applications in the same cluster. A “cluster” that can start as one single Linux machine, but allows you to grow. Having multiple stacks with multiple domains, all with automatic HTTPS handling, all managed by the system.


This is the base cluster architecture that I’m using with my current team for many of the applications and projects we are building. It’s also used by some friends and other teams. It was time to share it, so others (hopefully you) can benefit too.

It is based on Docker Swarm mode which is the Docker cluster management system that comes integrated with Docker. If you have Docker, you already have Docker Swarm mode, even if you didn’t know about it.

Docker Swarm mode is comparable to Kubernetes, if you’ve heard of it. But this cluster architecture is, as of now, what I would personally recommend for teams of less than 200 developers, or clusters of less than 1000 machines. This includes small / medium size organizations (like when you are not Google or Amazon), startups, one-man projects, and “hobby” projects. The specific reasons why I recommend it belong to another post (let me know if you would like to know them).


This guide shows you how to create a cluster of Linux servers managed with Docker Swarm mode to deploy your projects. From one Linux machine to many.

It also shows how to set up an integrated main Traefik load balancer / proxy to receive incoming connections, re-transmit communication to Docker containers based on the domains, generate TLS / SSL certificates (for HTTPS) with Let’s Encryptand handle HTTPS.

And it shows how to expose the internal Traefik web UI through the same Traefik load balancer, using a secure HTTPS certificate and HTTP Basic Auth.

The guide is designed for you to be able to have a main load balancer that covers all the Docker Swarm cluster, handles HTTPS certificates and requests for each domain. But doing it in a way that allows you to have other Traefik services inside each stack without interfering with each other, to redirect based on path in the same stack (e.g. one container handles / for a web frontend and another handles /api for an API under the same domain), or to redirect from HTTP to HTTPS selectively.

I’ll create a new post on how to deploy a stack using this configuration, so, if you are interested, let me know in the comments. Or you can “follow” me on Medium or check back soon.

Install a new Linux server with Docker

  • Create a new remote server (VPS).
  • If you can create a swap disk partition, do it based on the Ubuntu FAQ for swap partitions.
  • Deploy the latest Ubuntu LTS version image.
  • Connect to it via SSH, e.g.:
ssh root@
  • Define a server name using a subdomain of a domain you own, for example
  • Create a temporal environment variable with the name of the host to be used later, e.g.:
  • Set up the server hostname:
# Set up the server hostname
echo $USE_HOSTNAME > /etc/hostname
hostname -F /etc/hostname
  • Update packages:
# Install the latest updates
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
# Download Docker
curl -fsSL -o
# Install Docker using the stable channel (instead of the default "edge")
CHANNEL=stable sh
# Remove Docker install script

Set up swarm mode

In Docker Swarm Mode you have one or more “manager” nodes and one or more “worker” nodes (that can be the same manager nodes).

The first step is to configure one (or more) manager nodes.

  • On the main manager node, run:
docker swarm init
  • On the main manager node, for each additional manager node you want to set up, run:
docker swarm join-token manager
  • Copy the result and paste it in the additional manager node’s terminal, it will be something like:
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-5tl7yaasdfd9qt9j0easdfnml4lqbosbasf14p13-f3hem9ckmkhasdf3idrzk5gz
  • On the main manager node, for each additional worker node you want to set up, run:
docker swarm join-token worker
  • Copy the result and paste it in the additional worker node’s terminal, it will be something like:
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-5tl7ya98erd9qtasdfml4lqbosbhfqv3asdf4p13-dzw6ugasdfk0arn0


Set up a main load balancer with Traefik that handles the public connections and Let’s encrypt HTTPS certificates.

  • Connect via SSH to a manager node in your cluster (you might have only one node) that will have the Traefik service.
  • Create a network that will be shared with Traefik and the containers that should be accessible from the outside, with:
docker network create --driver=overlay traefik-public
  • Create a volume in where Traefik will store HTTPS certificates:
docker volume create traefik-public-certificates

Note: you can store certificates in Consul and deploy Traefik in each node as a fully distributed load balancer, but that’s for another post (let me know if you’re interested and I’ll write about it), for this guide we will keep it simple and deploy Traefik to a single node.

  • Get the Swarm node ID of this node and store it in an environment variable:
export NODE_ID=$(docker info -f '{{.Swarm.NodeID}}')
  • Create a tag in this node, so that Traefik is always deployed to the same node and uses the existing volume:
docker node update --label-add traefik-public.traefik-public-certificates=true $NODE_ID
  • Create an environment variable with your email, to be used for the generation of Let’s Encrypt certificates:
  • Create an environment variable with the name of the host (you might have created it already), e.g.:
# or if you have your $HOSTNAME variable configured:
  • You will access the Traefik dashboard at traefik.<your hostname>, e.g. So, make sure that your DNS records point traefik.<your hostname> to one of the IPs of the cluster. Better if it is the IP where the Traefik service runs (the manager node you are currently connected to).
  • Create an environment variable with a username (you will use it for the HTTP Basic Auth), for example:
export USERNAME=admin
  • Create an environment variable with the password, e.g.:
export PASSWORD=changethis
  • Use openssl to generate the "hashed" version of the password and store it in an environment variable:
export HASHED_PASSWORD=$(openssl passwd -apr1 $PASSWORD)
  • You can check the contents with:

It will look like:

  • Create a Traefik service, copy this long command in the terminal:
docker service create \
--name traefik \
--constraint=node.labels.traefik-public.traefik-public-certificates==true \
--publish 80:80 \
--publish 443:443 \
--mount type=bind,source=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock \
--mount type=volume,source=traefik-public-certificates,target=/certificates \
--network traefik-public \
--label "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:traefik.$USE_HOSTNAME" \
--label "traefik.enable=true" \
--label "traefik.port=8080" \
--label "traefik.tags=traefik-public" \
--label "" \
--label "traefik.redirectorservice.frontend.entryPoints=http" \
--label "traefik.redirectorservice.frontend.redirect.entryPoint=https" \
--label "traefik.webservice.frontend.entryPoints=https" \
--label "traefik.frontend.auth.basic.users=${USERNAME}:${HASHED_PASSWORD}" \
traefik:v1.7 \
--docker \
--docker.swarmmode \ \
--docker.exposedbydefault=false \
--constraints=tag==traefik-public \
--entrypoints='Name:http Address::80' \
--entrypoints='Name:https Address::443 TLS' \
--acme \$EMAIL \ \
--acme.entryPoint=https \
--acme.onhostrule=true \
--acme.acmelogging=true \
--logLevel=INFO \
--accessLog \

You will be able to securely access the web UI at https://traefik.<your domain> using the created username and password.

The previous command explained:

  • docker service create: create a Docker Swarm mode service
  • --name traefik: name the service "traefik"
  • --constraint=node.labels.traefik-public.traefik-public-certificates==true make it run on a specific node, to be able to use the certificates stored in a volume in that node
  • --publish 80:80: listen on ports 80 - HTTP
  • --publish 443:443: listen on port 443 - HTTPS
  • --mount type=bind,source=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock: communicate with Docker, to read labels, etc.
  • --mount type=volume,source=traefik-public-certificates,target=/certificates: create a volume to store TLS certificates
  • --network traefik-public: listen to the specific network traefik-public
  • --label "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:traefik.$USE_HOSTNAME": enable the Traefik API and dashboard in the host traefik.$USE_HOSTNAME, using the $USE_HOSTNAME environment variable created above
  • --label "traefik.enable=true": make Traefik expose "itself" as a Docker service, this is what makes the Traefik dashboard available with HTTPS and basic auth
  • --label "traefik.port=8080": when Traefik exposes itself as a service (for the dashboard), use the internal service port 8080
  • --label "traefik.tags=traefik-public": as the main Traefik proxy will only expose services with the traefik-public tag (using a parameter below), make the dashboard service have this tag too, so that the Traefik public (itself) can find it and expose it
  • --label "": make the dashboard service use the traefik-public network to expose itself
  • --label "traefik.redirectorservice.frontend.entryPoints=http": make the web dashboard listen to HTTP, so that it can redirect to HTTPS
  • --label "traefik.redirectorservice.frontend.redirect.entryPoint=https": make Traefik redirect HTTP trafic to HTTPS for the web dashboard
  • --label "traefik.webservice.frontend.entryPoints=https": make the web dashboard listen and serve on HTTPS
  • --label "traefik.frontend.auth.basic.users=${USERNAME}:${HASHED_PASSWORD}": enable basic auth, so that not every one can access your Traefik web dashboard, it uses the username and password created above
  • traefik:v1.7: use the image traefik:v1.7
  • --docker: enable Docker
  • --docker.swarmmode: enable Docker Swarm Mode
  • enable "watch", so it reloads its config based on new stacks and labels
  • --docker.exposedbydefault=false: don't expose all the services, only services with traefik.enable=true
  • --constraints=tag==traefik-public: only show services with traefik.tag=traefik-public, to isolate from possible intra-stack traefik instances
  • --entrypoints='Name:http Address::80': create an entrypoint http, on port 80
  • --entrypoints='Name:https Address::443 TLS': create an entrypoint https, on port 443 with TLS enabled
  • --acme: enable Let's encrypt
  •$EMAIL: let's encrypt email, using the environment variable
  • where to store the Let's encrypt TLS certificates - in the mapped volume
  • --acme.entryPoint=https: the entrypoint for Let's encrypt - created above
  • --acme.httpChallenge.entryPoint=http: use HTTP for the ACME (Let's Encrypt HTTPS certificates) challenge, as HTTPS was disabled after a security issue
  • --acme.onhostrule=true: get new certificates automatically with host rules: ""
  • --acme.acmelogging=true: log Let's encrypt activity - to debug when and if it gets certificates
  • --logLevel=INFO: default logging, if the web UI is not enough to debug configurations and hosts detected, or you want to see more of the logs, set it to DEBUG. Have in mind that after some time it might affect performance.
  • --accessLog: enable the access log, to see and debug HTTP traffic
  • --api: enable the API, which includes the dashboard

Check it

To check if it worked, check the logs:

docker service logs traefik
# To make it scrollable with `less`, run:
# docker service logs traefik | less

And open https://traefik.<your domain> in your browser, you will be asked for the username and password that you set up before, and you will be able to see the Traefik web UI interface. Once you deploy a stack, you will be able to see it there and see how the different hosts and paths map to different Docker services / containers.

What’s next

The next thing would be to deploy a stack (a complete web application, with backend, frontend, database, etc) using this Docker Swarm mode cluster.

It’s actually very simple, as you can use Docker Compose for local development and then use the same files for deployment in the Docker Swarm mode cluster.

If you want to try it right now, you can check this very simple project generator with a minimal Flask backend and Vue.js frontend.

There are several additions that could be easily added to the cluster, like monitoring, administration, Continuous Integration, etc. To learn more, check

Please let me know if this was useful for you. And please let me know in the comments (in Medium) which of these topics would you like me to cover in the next articles.

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Sebastián Ramírez
Sebastián Ramírez

Written by Sebastián Ramírez

Creator of FastAPI and Typer. Dev at Exposion AI. APIs, Deep Learning/Machine Learning, full-stack distributed systems, SQL/NoSQL, Python, Docker, JS, TS, etc.

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